I know it has been a long time since I've written about Cody. Before I say anything else...Cody is doing wonderfully! The main reason I haven't written is that shortly after my last update, I broke my foot! I'm 4 months post surgery, the screws have been removed and I'm almost back to normal. The dogs will all be happy when we can walk again!
Now, an update on Cody. In early May, Cody had his last chemo treatment. There was quite a bit of concern about the spot on his shoulder because it once again lit up in the bone scan. The doctors wanted to do another biopsy, which I refused. I just couldn't put him through that risk, given they broke his leg with the original biopsy. After several calls back and forth, the lead doctors agreed that because Cody was asymptomatic and the spot hadn't changed since January, the spot wasn't cancerous. This meant that Cody could remain in the Bayer study.
So, the day after Cody's last chemo treatment, he started on the Bayer drug. We started out giving Cody the drug with his breakfast. This lasted about 3 weeks. He seemed to have a much more difficult time getting his energy back and we were warned that it is possible for the dog to be lethargic on the Bayer drug. Since Cody was acting this way, we decided to switch to dinner time dosing. This has seemed to give him more energy during the day.
So, it's been 4 months of being the on the Bayer drug. So far, Cody is wonderful. If you didn't notice that he is missing a leg, you wouldn't believe this dog has dealt with cancer most of the year. He is happy, playful and energetic. My sister watched him chase her dog, Nash, and my other dog, Dundee, around the yard and commented that she thinks Cody has more energy now than he has in the entire 5 years we've had him! Talk about a testimonial!
Emotionally, Cody seems stronger and happier, but you can tell he doesn't want to be far from us. Usually during the summer, he will remain on the lower levels of the house because our room is too hot for him. This summer, though, he acted as though he needed to be close as he could, so he always followed us up to bed.
There is one minor problem. 2 years ago, Cody started having problems with incontinence. When PPA didn't work, we put him on low doses of testosterone injections. We don't know why, but his leaking is not longer being controlled by the injections. I will be discussing options with my vet. One option is to add the PPA. Another option is to change to DES. I'm not sure what I want to change anything at this point....
Other than this, Cody is scheduled for his second 12 week checkup in
October. He passed his first with flying colors. We pray he passes
the next the same way. Whatever happens, we have no regrets...he
has been full of life and love through this ordeal.